International Students at Taste of Africa

  1. Can I get a full scholarship to Manchester?
    国际学生奖学金将只支付部分学费. The remainder of the cost of tuition, housing, food plan, and fees are at the expense of the student and his/her financial sponsors. 十大网赌正规网址不向任何国际学生提供全额奖学金.

  2. I’m a very good athlete. Can I get an athletic scholarship?
    曼彻斯特拥有NCAA第三级的体育地位,不向任何入学学生提供体育奖学金. 国际学生奖学金是基于你在中学的学习成绩, university (if transferring), and on standard tests such as SAT, TOEFL, or IELTS.

  3. 如果我在曼彻斯特的成绩特别好,我能得到更多的奖学金吗?
    你在曼彻斯特的四年奖学金不会增加. 它将保持与你被录取时相同的学费比例. This will absorb some of the yearly increase in tuition costs, 但你的财务赞助者也需要每年增加他们的支持.  Yearly increases in cost average between 5% and 7%.

  4. What is the SEVIS system?
    SEVIS is the acronym for Student and Exchange Visitor Information System. It is a U.S. 政府报告和监控系统,用于跟踪进入美国的国际学生和访客. 作为一所SEVIS学校,十大网赌正规网址在法律上有义务遵守所有的美国法律.S. 关于国际学生跟踪和报告的规定.

  5. Can I transfer to another college once I arrive on Manchester’s campus?
    Before a student may transfer to another college or university, 我们必须有你要转到的大学的录取证明和联系证明. 在我们开始转到另一所大学之前,你必须亲自出现在曼彻斯特校园.

  6. Can I transfer in to Manchester from another school?
    To transfer to Manchester from a university outside the U.S. we require, besides the normal documents for admission, an original transcript in English for our files. You also must have your transcript evaluated by World Education Services (www.wes.org) or Educator Evaluators International (www.educei.com)  to determine which credits might transfer to Manchester. If your university is in the U.S. 我们必须有一份正式的成绩单和一份完整的转校生信息表,我们将从你的大学相应的部门发给他们.

  7. Can I make tuition payments monthly?
    All first-year students must pay the balance of fall semester tuition, 8月6日前收到招生办公室寄来的预估后收取住宿费和费用. 1 and by Jan.15 for second semester. On subsequent years, the fall semester bill is due Aug. 5 and the spring semester fees are due Jan. 15. After a student's first year, 他们可以与学生金融服务部门合作,制定每月付款计划. 

  8. Can I work off-campus?
    According to U.S. government rules, 在申请校外工作许可之前,学生必须在学院或大学就读满一学年. 校外就业最常见的原因是“经济困难”,在通过SEVIS系统提交之前,必须由多元文化服务主任证实. The new I-20 and all documentation must then be sent to the U.S. government. 批准或拒绝申请的决定通常需要三到四个月的时间.  You must re-apply each year. There is a substantial fee involved.

  9. What is a Social Security number?
    在美国工作的每个人都必须有一个社会安全号码,以便向联邦和州政府报告收入. 这是一个识别号码,你也需要申请驾驶执照,找工作. Some banks require the information to open a banking account.  多元文化服务办公室将在你安排好校园工作后带你去社会保障办公室,并帮助你获得一张卡.

  10. What should I call my professors?
    Most professors are addressed by their title of Dr. or Professor followed by their last name.  然而,在十大网赌正规网址,许多教授更愿意被称呼他们的名字. 通常他们会在你的前几节课上告诉你他们喜欢别人怎么称呼他们.

  11. Must I live on campus?
    所有在曼彻斯特的学生必须住在校园里直到他们的大四,并使用校园膳食计划之一. 曼彻斯特有五栋宿舍楼,费用取决于每栋宿舍楼的设施. See costs listed at tuition and fees. International students choosing to live off campus, will lose approximately 25% of the awarded scholarship money. 

  12. Must I be a Christian to attend Manchester?
    Manchester does not discriminate on the basis of national or ethnic origin, race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, disability, or veteran status in admissions or any area of campus life. We respect all faiths.

  13. How many years will it take to complete a bachelor’s degree?
    传统上,文理学院的学生需要四年时间才能获得学士学位. Some areas of study offer a two-year associate's degree. If you intend to continue studying for a masters and/or Ph.D., you first must complete the bachelor’s degree. 药科预科的学生可以在完成两年的药科预科课程后申请我们的药学院.

  14. Do you offer ESL (English as a Second Language) classes?
    曼彻斯特不为国际学生提供英语语言教学. Admitted students must be proficient in reading, comprehending, speaking, and writing in idiomatic English. 教学语言为英语的学生必须提交SAT推理测试的原始测试成绩. 三至四年未接受过英语教学的学生必须提交托福考试成绩原件, IELTS, Pearson PTE or STEP Eiken language exams.

  15. Can I get a job while at Manchester?
    First-year students may get on-campus jobs. 有关求职的信息将在新生培训期间分享. 职位描述是可用的,申请可以通过职业服务网站进行. Internships can provide practical application of your academic major,  可以在校内或校外,可以通过就业服务办公室安排. 国际学生必须参加课程实践培训(CPT)时间来进行这些类型的实习,并在多元文化服务主任的建议下完成规定的程序.

  16. What about jobs after I graduate from Manchester?
    International students who want to work in the U.S. 毕业后必须在毕业前几个月申请OPT (Optional Practical Training). 这需要大量的研究和文书工作,此外还需要向美国政府支付费用.S. government with the application.  Once you are approved and receive your EAD card from the U.S. 在政府部门,你可以在适合你专业的企业或地方工作长达12个月. 多元文化服务办公室和职业服务办公室将帮助您完成求职过程和文书工作,以完成您的OPT任务和申请.

  17. 我想上位于英国的十大网赌正规网址. How can I contact them?
    Here 这是十大网赌正规网址国际招生网页的链接吗. You can also fill out an inquiry form to be contacted by their office here. 我们与十大网赌正规网址没有任何关系,因此无法提供更多的细节.

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